
The distribution over time of water in a watershed, among precipitation, evaporation, soil moisture, groundwater storage, surface storage, and runoff.

How we detect hydrology

We have an arsenal of scientific equipment and methodologies for detecting every aspect of hydrology. A bulk of our studies involve the cataloging of species, soil types and hydroperiod levels within your property. Without hydrology we would only get a partial determination of what is on your land and why.


Hydology detection methodology

Our scientists are well-versed in a myriad of techniques for detecting moister such as R studios, precipitation monitoring, groundwater monitoring wells, soil cataloging with Munsell color charts and reviewing agency databases which highlight your water-table.

Leveraging technology

You will have concrete data procured by our fleet of drones which survey underwater, surface-waters and in the air as well as endoscopes, piezometers, electronic water depth systems and much more.


Learn more about how we work