Eldorado-Ivanpah Transmission Project (EITP)


"Managed a $10 million environmental permits budget"

Curtis Wambach, M.S., Senior Biologist & Principal, managed a $10 million environmental permits budget for the $350 million Southern California Edison (SCE) Eldorado-Ivanpah Transmission Project (EITP) located along a 35 mile reach in the Mohave Desert from Primm California to the Eldorado Substation in Nevada near Los Vegas.

The solution

Offsetting Impacts

Mr. Wambach gained valuable experience in administering a mitigation bank within the Mojave desert to off-set impacts to the desert tortoise, desert washes, and desert habitat. Other valuable experience includes: 1) big-horned sheep mitigation, 2) rare plant mitigation, 3) cactus and yucca mitigation plan, 4) Raven Management Plan, 5) NEPA/CEQA/Biological Opinion Review, 6) JD Report, 7) Biological Assessment, 8) raptor survey, 9) RRRP, 10) project management, and 11) State and local permitting in California and Nevada.

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